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The Inauguration Party of the Year!

Please join Chris and Melissa DeLuca, Michael and Kristen Brissette as well as members from the Bourne Republican Town Committee, Falmouth Republican Town Committee, Mashpee Republican Town Committee, Sandwich Republican Town Committee and others for a fantastic time celebrating Donald Trump's presidential election, (as well as the saving of the USA)!

SRTC Meeting:

The next Sandwich Republican Town Committee meeting will be held Tuesday, January 7th, at JD Burgers, located at 280 Route 130, Sandwich, MA 02563. The social hour will be from 5:30 to 6:30 pm where we can order drinks and food items form the menu, socialize and network. The official meeting will start at 6:30pm. We appreciate JD Burgers hosting us as they do not charge for the use of the room, so let's support them by ordering food or drinks from the menu. (They have awesome burgers, fries and appetizers)! There will be lots to discuss including information on the recent elections. More to come. 

All the best, 

The SRTC will distribute information regarding Republican events on Cape Cod if the candidate or committee requests us to do so.  We may also share updates from elected officials. Such notifications should be emailed to  Such notifications should not automatically be considered endorsements from the SRTC.

Please feel free to share / forward.

Please reply to this email if you wish to unsubscribe to Sandwich Republican Town Committee.

Gene J. Parini


Sandwich Republican Town Committee

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We were all hoping that the madness was going to decrease after January 20, 2025. That probably will occur nationally. However, the insanity as related to energy costs in order to save the planet will skyrocket in Massachusetts in the future. We are going to have to hit the ground running in 2025 to try to stay ahead of this.

Bob Wood has mentioned “Climate: The Movie” (1:20) (available for free viewing on YouTube) several times and our Initiative 3.7 Climate Change leaders John Densler and Les Trager have been formulating ideas to move us forward next year towards taking meaningful action on this far-reaching topic. In addition, our Initiative 3.3 Partnerships leader Erich Horgan may be able to connect us with other groups that are gravely concerned about the manipulation of society in the name of saving it.

Like us, many groups, for example, The Heartland Institute, simply want to present the truth and let that guide our policies and directions. They have put together the excellent “A Climate Conversation” (0:56), also available for free viewing on YouTube. In addition, The Heartland Institute has held 15 conferences on climate change. A recent keynote talk by Patrick Moore (co-founder of Greenpeace) is worth watching. Search on “YouTube Heartland Institute ICCC15 Patrick Moore keynote” to find it.

Everyone is encouraged to watch any or all three of the above mentioned videos to gain a better understanding of the “Climate Change Crisis” narrative and also the substantial scientific data and records that can be used to counter the propaganda. We also need to be familiar with and investigate the validity of the rebuttal(s) to Climate: The Movie.

Below are highlights from two items. One is big picture. The other is closer to home.

What follows are some excerpts from the latest issue of “The New American” magazine (December 30, 2024) (Rigging the Climate Agenda) as it reports on the recent United Nations COP29 (29th annual Conference of the Parties) conference held in Baku, Azerbaijan.

p. 5. “media...shameful propagation of climate alarmism, which ludicrously...demoniz(es) carbon dioxide, the gas of life”

p. 5 “hypocracy...(of) the elitists to consume all the energy they want....while the rest of us...(are) reduced to the level of serfs”

p. 10. “two totalitarian which all roads lead to Bejing... The other...mankind works to untangle one of the most spectacular frauds in human history.”

p. 12. “five GOP congressmen attended COP29 to show support for the Biden administration's...Inflation Reduction Act...the most significant climate legislation in history.”

p. 13. “it is time to start enforcing the climate agenda regardless of what people think, because the “crisis” is simply too urgent to wait”

p. 14. “demanded immediate and drastic changes to every element of life under the direction and guidance of the UN”

p. 14. “The goal is simple: ensure “climate change” indoctrination of all children worldwide”

p. 14. “Covid-style policies to fight the “climate crisis.”

p. 14. “And yet the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) continues to bring an estimated two coal-fired power plants online each week.”

p. 14. “climate agenda is foundational to the globalist effort to build the New World Order.”

p. 15. “The new UN climate agreement aims to destroy the Western middle class ((that's us)), reshape the global economy, and bring about a New World Order.”

p. 17. “The entire conference had a veneer of “saving the planet” from alleged “manmade climate change.” became clear...climate movement and COP29 have nothing to do with bettering the environment and everything to do with globalism.”

p. 19. as related to offshore wind turbines “since they started pile driving...there has been a 400-percent increase in whale deaths”

p. 19. “The climate-change narrative is not about the environment, whales, or CO2 – it is about control.”

p. 20. “ in fact a highly organized, planned, scripted, and approved activity to promote the big hoax.”

p. 20. “the about centralizing power around the United Nations and acquiring mass funding for globalism.”

p. 20. “A carbon tax would allow for global taxation and regulation of all human activity”

There is a reason all of the above was mentioned. It sounds so insane as to be completely unbelievable.

Unfortunately, it is very real. We have witnessed similar insanity at the southern border for four years and the United Nations played a central part in it. To make matters worse, we paid for it. Most of us on this email understand that the UN is a globalist entity that does not believe in the sovereignty of the United States and its charter was written by a Soviet agent.

Maybe the incoming administration can disable the Climate Change Hoax agenda nationally and worldwide. But, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts the climate agenda is alive, actually thriving, and is set to fulfill many of the goals mentioned above. More that 2/3 of the legislators in our State House vote as if they do not believe in the U.S. Constitution, so what they pass as laws should not surprise us.

Almost no one in Massachusetts is raising the question of the elephant in the room. Even Green Oceans, which opposes offshore wind energy, seems to completely buy into the man-driven climate change narrative. Green Oceans says “We have banded together because our local elected officials, universities, and conservation groups – many of whom have received significant donations from wind energy developers – are not protecting our resources, our environment, or our livelihoods. We know, as does the government, that industrializing over 900,000 acres of coastal waters off RI and MA will not help climate change.” It is actually much worse than what Green Oceans states.

Please see the forwarded article below “Amidst glaring unknowns in new energy law, rate increases definite” from about upcoming energy rate hikes and their underlying cause. In the article, there is a link to “Proposed battery law costs billions and does nothing.” Keep in mind that the Massachusetts annual state budget is about $56 Billion.

Listed below are excerpts from each of those two articles. It is apparent that we have an implemented scenario in Massachusetts that is similar to the wishes of the United Nations as it pertains to required actions necessary to combat climate change and save the earth.

An Act promoting a clean energy grid, advancing equity and protecting ratepayers was recently passed by “representatives and governor approved just a week after most of them secured reelection...quietly during a rare lame duck session.”

“the law mandates the rapid purchase of tens of billions of dollars worth of huge grid scale batteries...that 1,500 megawatts (MW) of batteries must be bought by next July,,,This is around a thousand tractor trailer sized batteries...will buy you a few more hours of energy ((per day)) at best...two more huge battery buys in the near July 2026 and 2027”

Other costs associated with the batteries include “facilities to house ((them)), new transmission lines and other grid upgrades...operating and maintaining...profit...biggest additional cost....interest”

“If 10 hour batteries are purchased the cost jumps to ...twenty-five billion dollars”

“If we also electrify home heat and cars it is more like a mere one hour” of energy we would gain from the massive fiscal outlay.

“Clearly this tiny bit of storage is useless for backing up solar and wind but it costs $10-25 billion or more.”

“...serious safety concerns...thousands of container sized lithium an unpredictable fire threat...impossible to extinguish...toxic emissions...each...battery weighs around 80,000 pounds...100 times the weight of an EV battery and is that much more prevent a chain reaction”

“As this is just a very small portion of the storage we would eventually need to meet our net-zero by 2050 target, we wonder why the actual total costs haven't been revealed...leaves out the costs of transmission...costs of the windmills and solar panel build outs themselves.”

BTW the politicians are claiming after paying for all these costs, that our energy bills are going to decrease by about $400 per year. THEY THINK WE ARE STUPID.

Almost no one talks about offshore wind generation being by far the most expensive way to generate electricity.

There is no shortage if questionable aspects in this mess that started years ago such as:

  • Doing away with the requirement that future energy projects need to reduce energy costs;

  • Establishing a new Office of Environmental Justice and Equity;

  • Defining an Environmental Justice community based on race, income, and English language-proficiency criteria;

  • Equity in determining who pays for all these upgrades;

  • By 2030, having 75,000 public charging stations;

  • Emphasis on equity and environmental justice where “every action the state takes should center these concerns;”

  • Having the State require that historic commissions “give substantial weight to the threat posed by climate change;”

  • Makes it more difficult for homeowners to get a natural gas hookup;

  • Allow more private jet flights into Hanscom Field in Bedford;

  • State to develop new flood risk maps;

  • Directs the Dept. of Elementary and Secondary Education to help establish programs for offshore wind job training;

  • Report annually about EV adoption for people of color;

  • MBTA to buy only zero-emission buses by 2030;

  • Electrifying all school buses;

  • Emissions reductions from Uber and Lyft rides;

  • Large buildings to report annual emissions.

We need to look at all of this from many member perspectives to best determine how to proceed.

Bill and Pam

A pdf file of the easy to understand “Climate at a Glance For Teachers and Students” is available at:


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